Thursday 29 March 2018

#tbt when fitflop noticed my abstract art on their fitflops

OMG thank you so much for noticing my nail polish artwork on your slippers FitFlop and @fitflop idonesia ❤️👠💅🏼🎨 BEST . DAY .EVER ! Love your brand! 😍 please contact me if you're interested in using my abstract art piece#beccasartsycornernailpolishartwork as the design for your shoes ❤️ #beccasartsycorner#beccasartsycornerxfitflop see my other shoes/bag art #beccasartsycornerbagtransformation #fitflop#nailpolishartonshoe #fitflopid #fitflopmy #fitflopsg#fitflopth #polkadotnailpolish #abstractart #yellow#black #white #forsuperwomen #ilovefitflop